A place to lay down my thoughts and crafts, so that I may spare the rest of the world.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Comic Con Recap

Worry not I have been actually maintaining daily sketches... albeit I have been rather lazy when it comes to posting the images. I'm working on being able to rein in my over reaching powers of procrastination. The Calgary Comic Con was a blast. Didn't sell as much as I had hoped, but after holding a con postmortem, I think we were able to figure out why: Stand out more. Be more up front with your intent and product.

After some reflection, this point holds true to me as an individual as well. I need to start posting more, making more statements, showing more projects, sharing my thoughts [Within reason. There's some places in my head that a sane mind should be spared the trip.] Nothing earth shattering really, just a good solid realization for me to focus on for the next few months. Anyhow, onto the sketches:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

2 more days

Comic Expo draws near, and the first print run of the comics, postcards and bookmarks have come in. This will be a very exciting and educational event :]

First and foremost, the daily sketches for the past two days:

Also added one more postcard depicting the capital of third culture, the Julians:

I also forgot to show this the last update, but it's the cover for the first issue of the story "Strauss":

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Catch Up Time!

Past weekend has been incredibly busy, trying to get things in order for next week's Comic Expo. Unfortunately I misjudged workload for both myself and other people so I'm caught with my pants down at the moment... art wise. Spent a good chunk of the last 2 days trying to learn how to do basic matte/speed painting. Haven't quite reached the "speedy" part yet but it's getting there :]

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Daily Sketch 002

Sketches of people's appendages whilst on the bus. Need to start scraping the rust off my sketching skills. Drawing hands while the subjects are moving/changing gestures gives an added fun factor.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Daily sketch 001

It's about time that I got back into the routine. To be honest it's always hard to muster up the gusto at the end of the workday, I'm sure a lot of you will agree. Sometimes I even wonder if my internal critique is actively trying to have me quite the discipline altogether [Not that I would, just that I am indeed my own worst enemy].

Maybe I have to mentally turn it around in my head... The more my mind fights and procrastinates walking back to the computer, the more I will break it and conform it to my will >:U !
